I've decided to save this post from Instagram as it seems useful! Welcome to my first blog post, I guess!
So, our 24 hours in Terrys is over!
All in all, it has been a great experiment and I found it so much easier & more enjoyable than even I thought it would be. Since 7pm last night we’ve used 3 covers and I think 6 squares (but I can’t check at the moment because I am trapped under an angry, sleeping toddler). Also used 2 charcoal boosters (one for each night). Turns out I chose the worst (or best, depending how you look at it) day to try something different as kiddo is feeling grotty with her teeth and my partner is working late so we’ve done a days work at the shop followed by flying solo at home tonight too. (Shout out to all the amazing single parents out there - you are incredible 🙌).

Am I gonna ditch all my nappies and switch to terrys full time? I’m not sure about that!
But I must say, I’m even more sold on them now as a fantastic budget system. We’ve had no leaks, despite my dodgy folding (notice how it gets worse as the day goes on) and my little girl has seemed comfortable (despite her sore gums). The key here I think has been the prep. Not something I am always great at but by having the squares prefolded in my bag (see pic), I was able to use them just like any other nappy (this took about ten mins last night).
Just a spare nippa and a medium size, double zip wet bag from Baba & Boo was spot on for containing all the wet nappies. The two compartments helped to separate any, how shall I put this, ‘little gifts from your baby’, until you can get to the loo. (I love how glam my posts are / life is these days). I’m about to bung the lot in the wash and they should be dry by tomorrow night hanging on an airer.

In terms of covers, I like the double leg gusset on the miosoft - you can use the extra ‘flaps’ to conceal rough folding, the PeeNut is big enough to wrap just about anything and works wonders and I should add wool is a great choice too, if you have some lanolised (I’m not that organised right now 😉).
So with a twelve pack costing £24.99, and six wraps at around £66, I reckon you could nappy your baby for around £91. Not bad eh? With another pack you’d be able to reduce your washing frequency so for around £115 you’d be really sorted.
The size I’ve used today was 60x60 which is considered ‘birth to potty’ but you can get 50x50 for newborns or 70x70 for chunky monkeys too. You can also interchange with muslins and prefolds to give you yet more versatility. Six wraps is a pretty good number but you may have to size up at some point. Wool covers make it even cheaper if you’re a knitter or you know someone who can.

Fit wise, not as chunky as I was expecting but definitely some bumper material down there so no worries about those hard bumps down on the derrière as baby’s butt is well cushioned!
But for all those who think their baby won’t walk well in cloth, I can assure you, we’ve been running and climbing and messing about same as ever today.